Home Artists Ferds Unexpected Encounter

Unexpected Encounter

Tags: Gray Fullbuster, Kagura Mikazuchi, WIP,

4 October 2014
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  • Hidan: remove the cum on her mouth..
    13 Oct 2014 04:07
  • Name: There's nothing wrong with your drawings to be honest, but in my opinion it's the way you shade your drawings that lowers the quality.
    8 Oct 2014 01:55
  • benzino: I want to see some gray x ultear next no more natsu pics for a while ;D
    7 Oct 2014 07:04
  • Nick: Just expand the image to the left to see Kagur’as head complete and make Grey's eye closed and the pic will be perfect :)
    6 Oct 2014 20:26
  • Ferds: hmm, didn't notice that :O thanks for pointing that out, that's why WIPs are posted for these :)
    6 Oct 2014 19:21
  • Nick: It's my idea or Grey's head is giant? Can you expand the image to the left to see Kagur'as head complete?
    6 Oct 2014 19:19
  • Natsu Strauss: It's not a problem I would wait ! ^^
    6 Oct 2014 19:16
  • Ferds: well, i uploaded it and forgot to attach the image then i sleep @__@
    6 Oct 2014 19:04
  • Natsu Strauss: I saw this request there is a lot of time and I admit I was excited to see posted and I am not disappointed !
    6 Oct 2014 14:13
  • Ferds: ^ i just put a natsu pic, well ill be considering that in the future :)
    6 Oct 2014 05:34
  • Xeos: Any chance to see some NatsuxKagura instead?
    6 Oct 2014 00:50