Home Artists Renchi Rejected queues Hail to the Fairy Queen

Hail to the Fairy Queen

Erza standing with her Heaven's Wheel Armor on holding up her right hand in the air doing the Fairy tail sign and her left hand grabing on Minerva's (Standing with a leash on her neck and naked) ass while Kyoka (Left) Irene (Middle) & Ikaruga (Right) are facing erza (Dog licking feet posion so there ass's showing to the screen and there face looking up towards her pissed.)


To Artist: Renchi

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  • Slothking: Okay cool I did not know that Hail to the Fairy Queen (Pic) https://v.sankakucomplex.com/data/sample/d2/db/sample-d2dbe9af7052f290edb87c0ead860d9a.jpg?e=1702260587&expires=1702260586&m=9_Uk2XpkqEqU7_u-Cpv2vw&token=eA3fdZGZbt8gSvbX9-D4CZv0O0uircE0h5WsbtxhaLo (Fairy Tail Hand Sign) https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/910157344777707670/8A0AB083E6BA2116A464C09C63FDCEAB7C67ECB2/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false Pretty much this replac...
    e the main trainer girl with Erza (Your choice of bdsm cloths I trust you) holding the leashes with one hand and showing the Fairy tail symbol in the other hand and replace the girl on the leash with Minerva and if you can add a second girl on a leash then Kyoka. Both leash girls naked and mad instead of horny.
    11 Dec 2023 01:22
  • Renchi: Hi, I apologize, but the artwork request contains too many characters. Could you please limit it to a minimum of 2-3 characters? Additionally, it would be helpful if you could provide an image link for the exact position you desire. Thank you so much for your understanding.
    10 Dec 2023 02:22